Our fees
Advice First Financial Group is a fee-based financial planning organization. Our goal is that fees are fully disclosed and fair. There are no back-end fees or hidden fees. In other words, there are no surprises.
Planning Fee
The planning fee is a one-time fee for new clients to complete, produce and review your personal Life Centered Financial Plan. We use tools such as your Fiscalosophy, Return on Life Index and $Lifelines to create a complete financial plan including action items to help you get the best life you can. The planning fee begins at $2,500 and may increase depending on the complexity of your specific financial picture.
Investment Management Fee
This fee is an annual percentage fee charged by the investment vehicle you own. It is paid directly to the investment or professional money manager. Depending on the type of investment the fee can range from 0.20% (passive investment strategy) up to 1.20% (active investment strategy).
Advisor Fee
The advisor fee is the annual fee that you pay our team to provide ongoing service and monitoring related to your Life Centered Financial Plan. We want to ensure your Life Centered Financial Plan remains on track and is supporting your lifestyle. The advisor fee can include such items as frequent financial plan reviews, cash flow planning, tax planning & coordination as well as other services to make sure you reach your goals. This fee start is based on a declining scale not exceeding 1.25%.
The Investment Management Fee plus the Advisor Fee make up the total annual fee and can be referred to as the MER (Management Expense Ratio). Total MER can range from 1.2% up to 2.2% annually. This fee will be fully disclosed and agreed upon.
What do you get for your fees?
We will regularly perform a full review of your financial life plan including a preview of the coming year to ensure that we are prepared for any upcoming transitions. This will prepare you for expected life transitions. Rest assured should any unexpected transitions happen we will be able to help you navigate any changes by updating your plan.
We also regularly review your Return on Life Index (ROL Index) along with the corresponding action items to ensure your resources are helping you to maintain and live the best life possible.
Finally, we also ensure that your investment portfolio, along with any other assets you have, are consistently in service to you and your plan. This includes professional management, consistent monitoring, evaluation, and recommendations throughout the year for any potential changes. All the above may take place over 2 to 3 meetings depending on the complexity of your individual circumstances.
Our goal is to be your first call to provide advice for any life circumstances including all things related to financial planning or if you just need a referral for a hair dresser or a travel agent. We are happy to be your first call!