

This tool helps us to understand you and your situation in two different ways. First, we want to know your philosophy on eight key money matters, and how you came to those views. Second, we want to know your current comfort level in light of those views:

  • Uncover your principles and philosophy around money.

  • How comfortable are you with your current position in light of those views?

Return on Life Index

This tool is a self-reflective exercise that helps us to see how 10 different aspects of your life are impacted by the financial decisions you make. Our goal with this tool is to help determine whether or not you are using what you have in a way that is improving your life, and where we can focus to make improvements as part of your financial plan.

  • Are you using your resources in a way to improve your life?

  • Are you getting the best life possible with the money you have?


One very important aspect of financial planning that can often be overlooked is the impact of big life transitions on your financial well-being. Each of these transitions has an effect on your finances. We want to ensure that you are being proactive and prepared for these transitions before they happen, so that you don't experience negative impacts when they arrive. We believe it's better to prepare than to repair.

  • What transitions can you see coming?

  • Are you prepared for when they happen?

  • What can you do to better prepare now, instead of repairing in the future?

What is your Return on Life? Are you living the best life possible? Take this quick assessment today and we will get in touch with you to review your results!