Utilize Your Career Talents on a Corporate or Nonprofit Board
July 12, 2022
Here are three questions to ask yourself if you think that serving on a board might improve your Return on Life in retirement.
Retire on Purpose to Get the Best ROL (Return on Life)
June 7, 2022
Answering these two questions could help you find that purpose and keep getting the best life possible with the money you have in retirement.
Will a Pet Increase Your Return on Life (ROL)?
May 31, 2022
Seniors who are willing to accept the responsibilities of owning a dog or cat will find that pets can add a lot of Return on Life to retirement.
3 Ways to Get Beyond a Retirement Rut
March 2, 2022
As life goes on, your feelings about retirement are going to change in both negative and positive ways.
Downshift Your Worklife to Improve Return on Life (ROL)
Here are three reasons why reducing your work hours could help to ease your transition into retirement.
Yes, You Might Actually Enjoy a “Working” Retirement
September 9, 2021
An important part of your retirement plan is a discussion of the benefits of working, regardless of age.
Envision Retirement -- Even if You Don't Want To
August 17, 2021
Where some retirees see carefree days, you might be staring at a blank calendar worried that you're going to go crazy without tasks that fill you with purpose.
Building a Fulfilling Schedule in Retirement
August 4, 2021
Your RRSPs and TFSAs haven’t magically grown all by themselves. Your nest egg is the result of years of planning and hard work.